54.5080355, -6.7695841

Dungannon Office

Centre details

Dungannon Teacher Centre
Thomas Street
BT70 1HW
United Kingdom

Payment information

Payment via Portadown office cash & cheque

Telephone: 02895986197

Music Service Contact Details

Dungannon Office Admin

What will it cost?

Cost for lessons is passed directly to our schools at primary level, and can vary according to the number of children in each lesson. For more information on school charges, please contact your school directly.

At post-primary level, the considerations for cost are more likely to include ensembles, exam fees, and accompaniments, and therefore it is essential to contact your local music centre to personalise the package and costs that are right for your child.

Intermediate Teaching Service

The Intermediate Teaching Service is offered, subject to demand and availability of tutors, to existing Music Service students who have transferred to a school where Music Service tuition on their instrument is not possible.

  • Specialist tuition, either individually or in groups, may be available for selected pupils. Priority will be given to students on minority instruments such as oboe, bassoon, double bass, harp, French horn or tuba.
  • Intermediate tuition operates for 30 sessions per year.
  • Students will receive a 20 minute lesson.

Please contact Portadown Music Centre to enquire about this service.

Advanced Teaching Service

This service offers specialist instrumental lessons for advanced students who:

  • are committed members of a Saturday orchestra, band or ensemble and attend regularly throughout the year
  • have passed grade 5 on the instrument for which this application is being made
  • are preparing for grades 6, 7 8 and diploma examinations

Subject to demand and availability of tutors, lessons are offered on the full range of orchestral instruments at each of these three Music Centres - Dungannon, Newry and Portadown.

  • Advanced tuition operates for 30 sessions per year
  • Students will receive a 30 minute individual lesson
  • Students can also avail of aural training and accompaniment sessions that operate in the lead up to examination periods.
  • Students enrolled in Advanced Teaching are entitled to the remission rate for membership of orchestras and bands.

Please note

A grade 5 theory qualification is required before a grade 6 practical examination entry can be submitted.

Please contact Portadown Music Centre to enquire about this service.

Contact this music centre

Music Centre

What's available here?

  • Strings

    The string family is the largest and most well known in a symphony orchestra.

  • Woodwind

    This family of instruments produce sound by blowing into a tube, and are called woodwind because originally they were all made from wood. Today, they are made of wood, metal, plastic or some combination of both.

  • Brass

    This family of instruments can play louder than any other in an orchestra or band and can be heard from very far away. Brass instruments are essentially long pipes that widen at the end to make a bell-like shape.

  • Percussion

    The percussion family is the largest in the orchestra. Unlike most of the other players in the orchestra, a percussionist will usually play many different instruments in one piece of music.

  • Music Theory

    Music theory is essentially what you would call the language of music. While many may find music to be an instinctive thing, music theory gives you a way to express the music you hear and play in a concrete manner.

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