Ulster Orchestra Professional Collaboration
The EA Music Service is delighted to continue an exciting new collaboration with the Ulster Orchestra.
Teachers' Professional Learning: Conducting Workshop
The Music Service were delighted to launch their partnership with the Ulster Orchestra during the initial covid lockdown in November 2020. Since then, EA Music Service students have benefitted from many exciting projects, including online workshops and webinars for all string, woodwind and brass players.
As part of our ongoing collaboration, our first event of 2022, on Monday 28th February, was a Teacher Professional Learning workshop for all Music Service staff. The Honorary Principal Guest Conductor, Jac Van Steen, and members of the Ulster Orchestra delivered a fabulous learning experience for all involved. This event was supported by the Radcliffe Trust.
Hosted in the historic Assembly Buildings, Belfast, Music Service staff had the opportunity to participate in and observe this unique event. The presence of the EATV team meant that those who were unable to make it in person would have access in the future and not miss out on the wonderful performances, enthusiastic participation of their colleagues and the expertise that was on hand from Jac Van Steen.
As a dedicated teacher and professor of conducting at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, Jac provided practical advice and insight into how to communicate, inspire and get the best from the ensemble, whilst also allowing them each to demonstrate their individual personalities. The friendly and collaborative environment provided by the staff and members of the orchestra were appreciated as the participants each took their turn on the rostrum.
On this occasion staff diligently prepared excerpts from Beethoven’s 2nd Symphony and Danses Concertantes by Igor Stravinsky. The advice and tips given to the three participants will also provide useful points for all staff working with the many ensembles across the Education Authority’s region. This was a fantastic opportunity for EA Music Service staff to enhance their skills and for whom conducting forms such an important part of a wider portfolio of activities in their roles as music educators.
We look forward to continuing and developing this collaboration and to provide further opportunities for all our young musicians who need the experience of playing music together now more than ever.