Whole Class Pathways
Whole class Pathways to Learning programmes have been widely acknowledged for fostering a unique partnership between community music and the school curriculum.
Children irrespective of their culture, social background or innate ability have the opportunity to participate in a fun and creative musical experience, whilst further developing a wide range of life skills. These programmes are built on an access & inclusion model, allowing every child access to music making without a charge being passed on to parents from the school.
The programme enables the whole class to access a musicianship based project using musical instruments. Initially set up using string and wind sets, over time these have developed and adapted to the needs of the schools. There are now projects accessible for strings, wind, brass, vocal programmes, tin whistle, ukulele and iPad.
Where further opportunities lie ahead for some pupils who choose to continue with music lessons beyond one year of Pathways to Learning, evaluation and feedback show that wider opportunities programmes can benefit children far beyond the obvious musical experiences and skills, enhancing learning, self esteem and motivation.
“Having been involved in the programme, I am often amazed at the positive reactions of children with varying developmental needs. In addition to learning basic musicianship skills, there is evidence within the class of increased confidence, empathy, social awareness, creativity, team building and mindfulness.”
Pathways Tutor.
The musical fundamentals developed in these programmes builds a greater understanding for children of what is involved in music making and create strong foundations for further instrumental lessons.
“The hands on, active part of the lesson appeals to all the children. They are fully engaged
and really look forward to the music lessons”
Class teacher
“There has been a marked improvement in the confidence of the children since they have started to learn an instrument”
“It is clear that the class place value to the lessons as part of their learning thanks to the entire year group being present and the class teacher taking part too”
Music Service Tutor
“There is improved behaviour all round, and the level of concentration is noteworthy too”
Class teacher
“It’s a 100 per cent hit with the parents”
For more information please contact your local music centre.