Information for parents and carers
Frequently asked questions from parents/carers about the services we provide.
How do I find an instrumental teacher for my child?
You should approach your school first.
Will lessons be at exactly the same time each week?
Wherever possible, in post primary schools, instrumental teachers will devise a rotation system to avoid the need for pupils to miss the same part of the same lesson repeatedly.
In primary schools instrumental teachers will work with classroom teachers and music co-ordinators to agree a set time for weekly lessons to allow for lesson-planning.
Are the loaned-out instruments insured?
The form you will need to complete in order to loan an instrument will ask that you check if it's covered on your household insurance. In most cases this is quite straight-forward.
An instrument in my child's care has been broken/damaged. What do I do?
Most things that go wrong, although apparently disastrous, are in fact relatively minor. Contact your local office or your child's instrumental teacher who will be able to advise, repair or arrange for repair and may even be able to loan a replacement instrument. However, it is important that children understand that instruments are delicate and must be handled with care and parents should not attempt to carry out repairs themselves. For information on instrument maintenance and using Music Service instruments please click here.
I think my child is ready to take an exam, what do I do?
Your child's instrumental teacher is the person to contact. They will arrange everything and know when the best time to enter your child for an exam.
I have concerns about my child's progression on their instrument. Who can I speak to about this?
In the first instance you should speak to your child's instrumental teacher and raise your concerns with them. Please contact your local office; they will be able to advise on how best to make contact with your child's tutor.