Special Educational Needs
The EA Music service currently offer a range of music making opportunities to children and young people in our SEN schools.

This includes:
- Instrumental tuition
- Class music support
- Ipad workshops
- Drumming projects
- Vocal projects Sing Out! and Music Makers
- Musical Pathway to Learning projects
- Orchestral Roadshows & Springfest
The Music Service is determined to develop meaningful, progressive opportunities for all our children and young people, helping them to reach their full potential. It is essential that the individual needs of the special school sector be met.
SEN schools are regularly consulted on tailored musical programmes suitable to their requirements. We hope to develop further opportunities and support for the sector, as we are currently working on expanding an inclusive, bespoke music menu for all SEN schools. This menu will offer a fully accessible list of options that will meet the specific needs and requirements of our children and young people.
Here at Lisanally, we have been extremely fortunate to have two amazing music tutors working with us for many years in Stephen & Jimmy. Stephen has brought many pupils through their grades in Clarinet and prepared them for performances both in school and beyond. Jimmy started with a small drumming group and has brought it on so much so that he now has an academy of 3 drumming groups, each at a different stage but all improving and feeding into the next group. Our two performance groups "Pulse" & "Beat It" have been performing now for a number of years at Music Feis & festivals. They, much like their Clarinet counterparts, have also won many awards and are well known throughout the local area. Both have also helped us throughout the recent lockdowns by supporting staff with advice and videos with ideas to use with pupils at this time.
Patrick McAllistair, Lisanally School, Armagh
Please contact your local music centre for further information.