54.355972, -6.646436
Lisanally School
School details
Music Service Contact Details
Mrs Jan Hutchinson
What will it cost?
Cost for lessons is passed directly to our schools at primary level, and can vary according to the number of children in each lesson. For more information on school charges, please contact Lisanally School directly.
At post-primary level, the considerations for cost are more likely to include ensembles, exam fees, and accompaniments, and therefore it is essential to contact your local music centre to personalise the package and costs that are right for your child.
What's available here?
A range of instrumental lessons are currently available at Lisanally School. Contact Lisanally School directly for more detailed information on what will be available for your child.
This family of instruments produce sound by blowing into a tube, and are called woodwind because originally they were all made from wood. Today, they are made of wood, metal, plastic or some combination of both.
The percussion family is the largest in the orchestra. Unlike most of the other players in the orchestra, a percussionist will usually play many different instruments in one piece of music.