55.0325582, -7.2674333
Centre details
North West Teachers Centre
24 Temple Road, Strathfoyle
BT47 6TJ
United Kingdom
Payment information
Chip & Pin, cash or cheque
Music Service Contact Details
What will it cost?
Cost for lessons is passed directly to our schools at primary level, and can vary according to the number of children in each lesson. For more information on school charges, please contact your school directly.
At post-primary level, the considerations for cost are more likely to include ensembles, exam fees, and accompaniments, and therefore it is essential to contact your local music centre to personalise the package and costs that are right for your child.
Contact this music centre
Upcoming events at this venue
Groups at or near this venue
Lisneal Jazz Band
Rehearsal Friday 1-1.30
Foyle College Jazz Band
Junior Jazz 30min rehearsal every Tuesday at Lunch time and the Senior Band after school Tuesdays @ 3.30pm
Derry Intermediate String Orchestra (DISO)
Regional Intermediate Strings Orchestra based in Derry.
Derry Intermediate Wind Band (DIWB)
Regional Intermediate Wind and Jazz Band based in Derry.
Derry Junior String Orchestra (DJSO)
Regional Junior String Orchestra based in Derry.
Derry Junior Wind Band (DJWB)
Regional Junior Wind Band based in Derry.